Making time to play
As many people know I am a great fan of quotes and writings and I have favourite ones posted all around my studio. This one really resonated with me recently, as too often I get bogged down in the detail, over-thinking things and ending up with analysis paralysis.
These wise words by George Bernard Shaw reminded me that creativity [aka life] should be less about the end result and much more about the process [some might proverbially say ‘journey].
Whatever we call it, playing is what really links us to our creativity. I know that when I am painting I am mentally zoned out and studies tell us that this total immersion in an activity is the concept of ‘flow’ … “where the goals and boundaries are clear but leaves room for creativity”. Good to know I am following the science!
And being of a certain age I am especially happy to know that play promotes happiness, wards off depression, improves cognitive health and lowers my risk of developing age-related diseases like dementia.
So, if it’s not too late for New Year resolutions …I hereby resolve to focus more on play in my art and let go of the things that keep me stuck.
PS. the image is mine by the way - bleach and ink on paper.